Thursday, February 4, 2010

Review: O.P.I. Nail polish

Hi everyone!

Yes, it's been a loooong looong time since I posted something, I just can't tell you how very very sorry I am. This school just takes up a lot of my time.

Well, I'm writing because I'm sick and I have nothing particular to do. So I just thought that it might be a nice idea to bring this blog back to life =)

As for today, I'm going to review O.P.I. nail polishes for you guys (I don't know why I chose this to review, I guess I had no ideas on what to write about xD If you have any wishes, just let me know in the comments box =) ).

So, I bought my first O.P.I. about 8months ago I think, in shade 'Boris & Natasha'. I got it mainly because I heard a lot about these polishes on YouTube so I wanted to try it out as I was looking for a good polish for quite a while.As for the shade, I decided to pick this one based on the reviews on one of the Slovene beauty&style forums where it is a very popular one. Besides this one, I also own 'Kreme De La Kremlin' and 'Pink-ing of you'.

Boris & Natasha is a very deep burgundy shade with a purple undertone which makes the colour look amazingly gorgeous in a cloudy weather because the purple gets more enchanced somehow. I would say it's a perfect shade for fall and winter because of this cool feature but you can definitely wear it at any time of the year as it looks pretty in the sun too. The finish is cream (not shimmery, but not matte either).

Kreme De La Kremlin is a shade that is quite difficult to describe. Sometimes it looks like a coral kind of shade, sometimes comes out like a taupe with a hint of pink and sometimes something in between. That's why I really like it, it's so unique. I doubt you can find a polish similar to this one. The finish is cream.

Pink-ing of you is a beautiful light pink colour with a blue undertone (that doesn't mean it has blue inside, or reflects blue or whatever, it means that it's more of a cool pink). If you apply one coat of it you get a nice baby pink colour, but if you layer it up you will get like a barbie pink colour which is also really nice, but I prefer the baby pink one because it looks better with my skin tone. The finish is also cream.

Check out Nailgal for swatches of nearly every single nail polish out there. =)

These polishes have a really great brush that allows you to apply your nail polish evenly over the whole surface. The only thing you should be careful about is not to whipe the brush too much, because you need enough of the polish on the brush for an even application.
Of course you can build or layer them up to get a more intense colour with more coverage, especcialy with the sheer light colours (like Pink-ing of you). But if you don't want to intensify the colour, you might want to apply a lightly coloured base coat (something like beige, light pink or sheer white should work) so that you don't have to layer the sheer polish, but still get the coverage that you want. I hope that makes sense xD
Now I cannot say how long these will stay on your nails because here it's all about the top coat I believe. (I haven't found a good top coat yet...unfortunatly. If you have any ideas I'd be glad if you would let me know). Every nail polish eventualy chips off, but if you protect it with a top coat it should last for at least 3 days. These without a top coat last me for about two days.
As for the packaging, I really like the shape of the bottle itself, I think it looks very elegant, sophisticated and classy. It's nothing special but it looks very appealing to me. It's great because you can see the full colour (I have experianced the polishes that had stickers and all that crap around the bottle so it was very difficult to see the colour itslef), but I don't like the fact that the names are on the bottom. It's cool though, but I would prefer them to be under the 'Nail Laquer' signiture. It would just make it easier for me to find the shade I'm looking for at the store. Because now I feel kind of retared picking every single polish and turning it around to read the name =)
The range of colours is just fabulous, they have so many shades you would need a whole fortune to get them all. Well, for me that's nearly impossible because there's only about 30-50 shades in Slovenia and I believe there are more than 250 shades out there. So yeah, there's basicly no chance you won't find a shade for yourself =)
As you've noticed, there's nothing negative about these. The only drawback is the price. These are not really cheap, I think here are arounf 15€ which is quite expensive (e.g. my mascara is cheaper, it's 11,35€). But you definitely get what you pay for, so I would say it's worth the price if you are a perfectionist when it comes to a nail polish.



PRICE: 4/5


WILL I BUY AGAIN? Definitely!

That's all for my review, I hope it was hepful to you and again, if you have any wishes, requests, ideas... on what should I write about just let me know. =)

xoxo Lizzie <3

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